Judaism always encourages taking a long view of matters and problems. It is not wise to judge long range outcomes and consequences on the basis of short term appearances and happenings. The parable of the tortoise and the hare is one of the greatest truths of human history and existence. Because of our impatience, we often confuse prevailing in the short term with...
הצגת שני צידי המטבע
הנאום של משה לבני ישראל בסוף חייו נמשך גם בפרשת השבוע. אני חושב שחייבים לומר שמשה מציג השקפה הוגנת ומאוזנת על האירועים שקרו לבני ישראל במסעם במדבר. הטוב והרע, הנעלה והקטנוני, כולם...
Moshe’s discourse to the children of Israel at the end of his life continues in this week’s parsha. I think that it has to be said that Moshe presents a “fair and balanced” review of the events that have befallen Israel during its desert sojourn. The good and the bad, the exalted and the petty are all recorded for us in his words. And his view of the future...
The period of time that follows the fast day of Tisha B’Av is an active time for many. Vacations and trips temporarily delayed are now pursued vigorously. Purchases not made because of the “three weeks,” the “nine days” and Tisha B’Av itself are now completed and life returns to a sense of normalcy. However, there is also the beginning of an upbeat mood because,...
We all believe in the power of prayer. There have been controversial but yet seemingly proven studies that have shown that somehow prayer and being prayed for are of definite physical help to the sick, the bereaved and the troubled. Yet prayer oftentimes leaves us unfulfilled and...
החודש ה-11 בלוח השנה היהודי (על אף שהוא רק החודש החמישי מניסן) מתחיל השבוע. חודש אב מפורסם בעיקר בתקופת האבל הקשה שבאה בתחילתו ומגיעה לשיאה ביום העצוב ביותר בשנה ביהודית: תשעה באב. חורבן שני בתי המקדש, הראשון...
The eleventh month of the annual Jewish calendar year (though it is only the fifth month of the monthly year) begins this week The month of Av is mainly known for the intense period of mourning that marks its beginning and culminates in the saddest day on the Jewish calendar, Tisha B’Av – the ninth day of Av.
The destruction of both the First and Second...
משנה תורה
החומש האחרון בתורה, ספר דברים, נקרא גם "משנה תורה", שינון, חזרה על התורה. על אף שספר דברים מכיל תיאורים של מצוות שלא הוזכרו קודם לכן בתורה, בעיקרו הוא עדיין סקירה מחודשת של הספרים הקודמים בתורה....
The final book of the Chumash, Dvarim, is also known as Mishneh Torah – the restatement and review of the Torah. Though the book of Dvarim does contain within it descriptions of mitzvoth/commandments there were not previously mentioned in the Torah, it nevertheless remains mainly a review of the previous books of the Chumash.
It rarely breaks new ground except for...
There are many things in life that cause us worry and distress. God forbid, major health problems can suddenly and unexpectedly arise, thwarting all of our plans and programs. Outside occurrences such as natural and man-made disasters, wars, terrorism, violence, and crime both violent and monetary are the everyday stuff of our media reports and of our lives.
Four months ago...