Giving away some of one’s material wealth is never an easy thing. Our instinct tells us that what is mine, earned through my efforts, should always remain mine and in my possession. In the phrase of the rabbis, we have “a jaundiced eye” towards others and we resent their imposing themselves upon us for continued help and financial donations. We do not even think ourselves to be selfish for...
אחת ההמצאות הבנקאיות השטניות יותר של החברה המודרנית היא כרטיס האשראי. אותו כרטיס פלסטיק פשוט מאפשר חיים נוחים וניצול הזדמנויות, אך הוא גם מקור לחרדה, ולעתים לפשיטת רגל ואפילו לאסונות גדולים יותר לפרט ולמשפחה. כל זאת...
היכול לנדב
תמיד קשה לנו לתרום חלק מההון החומרי שלנו. החושים שלנו אומרים לנו שמה ששייך לנו, שהרווחנו בזיעת אפנו, צריך להישאר שלנו וברשותנו. אם נשתמש בביטוי של חז"ל, עיננו צרה בזולת ואנחנו נוטרים לנזקקים טינה על כך שהם...
The line between arrogance and necessary self-confidence is indeed a thin one. Yet we find throughout Torah and Talmud that arrogance is a grievous character trait, so much so that one is allowed to go to the opposite extreme of abject humility in order to avoid being ensnared in behaving arrogantly.
A person, even one who strives for humility must nevertheless possess self-confidence and...
The full acceptance – the naaseh v’nishma – we will do and we will hearken – of the Torah by the Jewish people appears in this week’s parsha rather than in last week’s parsha where the actual description of the revelation at Mount Sinai is recorded. We are all quite aware that the maxim that the devil lies in the details is incontrovertibly and unerringly correct. General acceptance...
There are differing opinions as to when exactly Yitro appeared in the camp of the Israelites in the desert. There are those who follow the rabbinic dictum that one cannot infer chronological order from the juxtaposition of narratives as they appear in the Torah. Rashi definitely adheres to this view in many instances. However Ramban and others maintain that a general chronology of events can...
One of the major certainties of human life is that we are all obliged to pay taxes to the governments that rule over us. In the history of humankind there has never been a government that did not need more money. Governments are by their very nature, inefficient and wasteful of the money that it brings in. Therefore all cost-cutting measures no matter how loudly publicized and grandly advertised...
I recently read an article written by a Jewish blogger who strongly defended Israel and was very critical of the growing blatant bent of anti-Semitic and anti-Israel writings of the progressive Left and some sections of world academia. He received a sharply worded letter from a fellow Jew who demanded to know why this blogger had not written such a blog about discrimination against...
The miracles performed by God through Moshe and Aharon, are topped off in this week’s parsha by the splitting of Yam Suf and the final deliverance of the Jewish people from the oppression of Pharaoh and the Egyptians. We are then further witness to the miracle of the manna falling six times a week to sustain the Jewish people in the Sinai desert and the ongoing miracle of water supplied to...
My mechanical ineptitude is legendary. I have never been any sort of handyman around the house and from time immemorial, dealing with burned out light bulbs has presented a dreaded challenge to me. If this was true, and it was, regarding those good old-fashioned screw-in light bulbs, the arrival of halogen lighting fixtures and bulbs has vastly compounded the problem. Those spindly little legs...