Rabbi Wein.com The Voice of Jewish History

Wealth, Position and Accomplishments
The United States and Its Jews

Item #: 3013

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In the aftermath of World War I, Europe lay in ruin and the once mighty empires had shifted. After a period of isolationism, the United States which had suffered the least due to its physical detachment from where the actual war had taken place, became a sought-after destination for European refugees from the devastating conflict. The Jews, hoping to seek refuge from anti-Semitism, pogroms and crushing poverty that had now become Europe, were no exception to the wide-eyed optimists hoping for a new start in a new land. In the new “treif, goldena” United States the Jews made their mark and rose to power in the Jewish created Hollywood, Wall Street and every other aspect of American society. This brought rampant assimilation, ever present anti-Semitism, the bar mitzvah society, and the rise of the Jewish public-school melting pot. Join Rabbi Wein as he paints a picture of the 20th Century Jew in the land of the free and the home of the brave.

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