Rabbi Wein.com The Voice of Jewish History

Treasures of Tuscany
Destiny Summer Tour 2010
5 Lectures

Item #: S372

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“Join” with Rabbi Berel Wein on Destiny’s 2010 tour in Tuscany as he revisits the Jewish communities that once flourished in Italy. Down the roads and throughout the countryside, remnants of the warmth and uniqueness from times past come alive. Coupled with the compelling landscapes, the Renaissance art and architecture – and the delectable (Kosher) tastes of this magnificent Tuscan region, this unique culture, with its own rituals, prayer and worship was brought to life as Rabbi Wein focused on the world of the Italian Jewry that once was. You can ‘travel’ with Rabbi Wein as he discusses: “Overview of Italian Jewry”; “Roman / Italian Rite of Prayer”; Synagogue Art and Decoration”; “Assimilation and Acculturation of Italian Jewry”; and “Venice and the Jews.”

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