Rabbi Wein.com The Voice of Jewish History

The Struggle for Survival
History Series / Part 3

Item #: 0086

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The political "earthquake" that shook Israel after the Yom Kippur War toppled the Labor government and replaced it with Menachem Begin and the Likud. Just as the conservative Nixon made peace with China, it took right-wing Begin to give back the Sinai Desert for the sake of peace. This lecture, given in 1987, grapples with the issues of the peace process and settlements back then, and the perspective of those years is particularly enlightening. Most moving of all, however, is Rabbi Wein's electrifying conclusion about God's Providential Hand in history.

• "land for peace" discussed before Oslo
• Rabbi Wein's dramatic reading of Paul Johnson's History of the Jews
• the memorable and moving conclusion to a fabulous and comprehensive series!

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