Rabbi Wein.com The Voice of Jewish History

The Herodian Era
History Series / Part 1

Item #: 0009

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Rabbi Wein continues his examination of the reign of Herod by dissecting his relationship with the Torah scholars of the day, and Hillel and Shammai in particular. Hillel and his students acquiesced to his rule while Shammai's students launched open rebellion. Herod's subsequent persecution of Torah scholars was merciless, yet paradoxically, to "repent" of these sins, he restored the Temple to its former beauty and contributed so extensively to the architecture of Israel that his handprint endures to this day.

• the eternal legacy of Hillel
• the mass suicide at Masada
• the influx of Roman converts, such as the great Onkelus
• a survey of Herodian buildings, including many familiar ones

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