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Echoes of Glory
Item #: B-ECHOES
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Item Description:
The first book in the series tells the story of the Jews in the Classical Era, 350 BCE - 750 CE. Rabbi Wein transports us to the eras of Alexander the Great; the creation of the Mishnah and Talmud, and how they saved Jewish life for all time; the Roman Empire and the courageous rebellion of Bar Kochba; the rise of Christianity; such Geonim as Rav Saadia, Rav Sherira and Rav Hai, and how they led the monumental Torah centers of Babylonia and North Africa; the emergence of Islam and the Jewish response; and Jewish life taking root in the then barbarous lands of Europe.Table of Contents
Up From Despair / Focus on
the Land of Israel / An International Faith / The Centrality of the Oral Law
Going Home
A Hostile Welcome /
Rebuilding of the Temple Is Halted / In the Wake of Purim / Ezra / The
Second Temple / Building a New Community / Nechemiah / Persian Tolerance /
The "Great Assembly" / A Vital Partnership
Greece and Hellenism
The Beginning of Greek
Dominance / Alexander the Great / Division of the Greek Empire / Division
of the Commonwealth / A Corrupting Alliance / Translation of the Seventy /
Hellenism / The Spread
of Greek Culture / The Development of Philosophy / Three Schools of
Thought / The Philosophic Challenge / The Ravages of Hellenism
Twin Hellenism -
Ptolemaic And Seleucid
The Jews of Alexandria
/ Parallel Governments / The Sadducees / Tax Collection / Division of
Power / The Persistence of Hellinism / Antiochus III / An Attmept to Rob
the Temple
Economic and Social
Life in Judah in Second Temple Times
The Basis of the
Economy / Agriculture / Produce / Other Resources / The Trades /
Slavery / Population Centers
Chanukah and the
The Greek Notion
of Sports / Jason's Decline / Menelaus and Lysimachus / Civil War /
Persecution / Mattisyahu and His Sons / Yehudah HaMaccabee /
The Miracle of
Chanukah / Significance of the Miracle / The Hasmonean Kingdom /
Lysias and Philip / Yehudah Defeats the Syrians
The Hasmonean
A Clouded
Destiny / Alexander Balas / Yonasan's Rise / Changes of Power /
Tryphon's Treachery / Shimon's Victory / A Tragic Breakdown / The
Exterminaiton of a Family / Jewish Independence Regained /
Enlarging Judah's Borders / Dissent from Within /
Efforts of the
Pharisees / A Troubled End / The Essenes / Yehudah Aristobulus /
Opposition to the Hasmoneans / Two Brothers Die / Shomis Alexandra
/ Alexander Yannai / Alexander Yannai and the Pharisees /
A School System
/ Sacrilege in the Temple / Civil War / Alexander Yannai's End / A
Period of Healing / Shomis Loses Power
Rome the
Julius Caesar
/ A Conflict of Approaches / Tiberius / Caligula / Claudius /
Hyrcanus and Antipater
Against Brother / The Rabbis Withdraw from Politics / A Pig on
the Temple Mount / Pompey's Intervention / Second Siege of the
Temple / Pompey's Regime / Alexander's Escapes / Disbanding of
the Sanhedrin /
Caesar and
Pompey / Antipater's Ascension / Herod / Herod's Trial /
Antipater's Wiles / Herod's Persistence / Hillel / A New Focus
/ The Houses of Hillel and Shammai / Further Atrocities of
Herod / Family Murders / Herod's Temple / Hillel's Legacy
The End of
the Second Commonwealth
A Respite
from Cruelty / Corruption in the High Priesthood / The
Zealots / Pontius Pilate / Gaius and Agrippa / Claudius /
The Pathe to Revolt / Florus / Inner Strife / A Fatal
Triumph /
Flavius / Vespasian's Campaigns / The Year of the Four
Emperors / Three Factions in Jerusalem / A Meeting with
Vespasian / Yavneh / Titus Attacks Jerusalem / Tishah b'Av
and Its Wise Men
Sanhedrin / Preserving the Oral Law / A Smaller Community
/ The Synagogue / Five Disciples / Titus and Domitian /
The Leadership in Yavneh / The New Nasi / Changes in
Yavneh / Nerva
Rise of Christianity
of the Religion / Paul / A Series of Paradoxes / Too
Much the Same / A Widening Gap / One Good Word
Disbanded / Lod / Roman Fury Unleashed / The Jews
Revolt / Hadrian / The Sanhedrin Reconvenes / A Third
Rebellion / High Hopes / The Fall of Beitar / A Failed
Akiva and the Aftermath of Bar Kochba's Defeat
True Martyr / Rabbi Akiva's Disciples / Acher /
Ambivalence Towards Rome / Hope for Peace / The
Power of the Nasi / Antoninus and Rabbi
Project / Notebooks of the Scholars / Sections of
the Mishnah / Migration from the Homeland / Rabbi
Chiya / Rabbi's Legacy
Valley of Babylonia
/ The Sidra / Hutzal / Nehardea / Sura / The
Mantle Passes to Babylonia / Rav's Work / Rav's
Prayers / Rav's Disciples / The Sassanian King /
Sura and Pumbedisa / The Exilarch / Rav Huna and
Mar Ukva / Rabbi Yochanan
Declines and Dies
Yeshivos in Tiberias and Caesarea / Decline of
the Samaritans / Destruction of Nehardea /
Growth of Pumbedisa / Constantine / Decline of
the Jews in Israel / The Jewish Calendar / The
Christian Calendar / Babylonian Leadership /
Abbaye and Rava
Warring Family / "Julian the
Apostate" / The Empire Weakens / Shifting
of the Yeshivos / Rav Ashi / Reviving the
Yarchei Kallah / Truce with Parthia / Leader
of Pumbedisa / Leaders in Sura / Declining
Fortunes in Babylonia
Talmud - The Book of the Jews
Yerushalmi / Talmud Bavli / Aggadah / The
Power of the Talmud / Toward Deeper
Era of Byzantium
New Rashei Galusa / The Savoraim / Life
Under the Byzantines / Jews in the Western
Empire / Jewish Life Under Christianity /
The Synagogue / Monastic Living
and the Jews
Founding of Islam / The Influence of
Judaism / The Rule of the Sword / The
Spread of Islam / Sunnis and Shiites /
Omayyads and Abbasids / The Jews and
Islam / The Effects of Islam
Era of the Geonim
/ Bustenai and the Geonim / The Courts
/ The Role of the Babylonian Geonim /
Chisdai and Shlomo / The Abbasids /
Anan and the Birth of Karaism / The
Waning Power of the Reish Galusa / The
Legacy of the Geonim