Baal HaTanya St
A Walk in Jerusalem
Part 2
Item #: 3001
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Located in the winding, narrow streets near Me’ah Shearim, Ba’al HaTanya Street is named for the founder of the Lubavitch Chassidic sect. Rabbi Shneur Zalmen of Liadi was one of the original core students of the Maggid of Mezeritch. This core of students became the founders of the myriad Chassidic groups that exist today. His brilliance in both halacha and kabbalah was solidified with his authorship of the Shulchan Aruch HaRav, and the Tanya. Rabbi Shneur Zalmen also complied a siddur entitled Torah Ohr which was based on the Nusach of the Ari. Learn about the life and times of this venerated Torah giant who made and continues to have a profound effect on the Jewish people.